Newsletter - 21/02/2025
Principal News

Dear Parents and Caregivers
The school year is moving forward and school life is certainly settling into a groove with many of the cocurricular activities starting up and students engaging in several sporting trials.
At Fitzgerald we are passionate about ensuring that, “Every day, in every classroom, every child is succeeding.’ We believe that success is not one-size-fits-all. Every child has their own unique strengths, interests, and ways of learning. For some, success might look like acing a math test, while for others, it could mean mastering a new skill, helping a classmate, or expressing themselves creatively. It's important to celebrate all kinds of success, no matter how big or small. Whether your child excels in sports, art, or building friendships, these achievements are valuable and contribute to their growth. By recognizing and encouraging your child’s individual journey, we help them build confidence and a love for learning.
As part of your child’s learning journey, we work in conjunction with parents to support students. Below are some simple things that you as parents and care givers can do to support your child at home.
Supporting Student Success at Home: Simple Routines that Make a Big Difference
Creating a supportive home routine is key to helping students succeed in school. By establishing a few simple habits, families can boost their children's focus and learning. Here are some tips for setting up effective routines:
- Set a Consistent Bedtime: Ensuring your child gets enough sleep helps them stay focused and energized during the school day. Aim for a regular bedtime that allows for 9-11 hours of sleep, depending on their age.
- Create a Homework Schedule: Designate a quiet, well-lit space for homework, and set aside a specific time each day for this task. A predictable routine helps students stay organized and reduce stress.
- Encourage Reading Time: Whether it's reading together or letting your child pick a book they enjoy, daily reading fosters a love for learning and builds important skills.
- Limit Distractions: Help your child stay focused by limiting screen time and other distractions during study or homework time. Create an environment where learning can thrive.
- Stay Positive: Celebrate achievements, big or small, to boost confidence. A positive attitude towards learning makes a world of difference!
Together, these routines can support your child’s academic growth and emotional well-being, paving the way for a successful school year.
On Wednesday we had our first, First Nations Reference Group meeting for the year where we introduced our new First Nations Teacher Aide to the group, discussed what the group hoped to achieve this year and also commenced our school planning for NAIDOC celebrations for Term 3. I would like to welcome Ayesha Thaiday to our Fitzy community. Ayesha is a former student of Fitzgerald who has a talent for creating Art, has an interest in pursuing Education more formally and is passionate about Fitzgerald. During the meeting, former student and mother to two former students and now grandmother to a current student, Deb Thaiday presented the school with a beautiful board to record the names of our First Nations Student Representatives. Thank you Deb.
Jessica Frater has this week joined the team in the front office Monday through to Wednesdays. Jessica comes to Fitzgerald after a long history with the Department of Education across several roles including administration, teacher aiding, library teacher aide across both primary and high school sectors. Welcome to the Fitzgerald community Jessica.
A reminder to all parents that the top car park is strictly for staff, and parents are not to drop off or collect children or park in this car park. We also ask that parents do not park in the hospital car park. We need to be respectful of the clients who attend the hospital, most of whom are rehab patients who need a close park to the hospital.
On the 31st of March, we will be holding Parent / Teacher Interviews from 3:15pm in our school hall. We will be using a new program to have parents’ book into these which will be outlined within the coming newsletters. Booking will be open from the 17th of March and will remain open until the 28th. Please keep this date in your calendars.
As of next fortnight, our newsletter will be moving to a Wednesday of even weeks.
Tracey Adams
Sports Selections

A big congratulations to Elijah Simeon on his selection in the Capricornia Swimming Team to compete in the State Swimming Championships being held in Week 9. All the best Elijah.
Head of Department/Curriculum

Helping your child to read a decodable text
What are decodable texts?
When children first learn to read using systematic synthetic phonics, they are taught letter-sound correspondences in a specific order. They will learn a few at a time — not all at once — and they will practise the letters and sounds they have learned by reading and spelling.
Decodable texts are used with beginning readers and are written to match children’s developing letter-sound knowledge. These texts provide an opportunity for your child to practise their reading skills in a meaningful way without having to guess words.
Your child may bring home decodable texts to practise their word reading skills. The texts will contain only those letter-sound correspondences they have been taught. If your child is having difficulty decoding a word, model saying the sound represented by each letter and blending the sounds to read the word. For example: for the word ‘cat’, point to each letter and provide the sound it represents /c/ /a/ /t/, then blend the sounds to read ‘cat’.
Decodable texts may also contain some high-frequency words that your child has been taught. High-frequency words are words that are common in English texts (for example: said, the, of, is). These words are included in decodable texts to create meaningful sentences. They may contain some letter-sound correspondences that have not yet been taught.
How can I help?
- As your child reads, you may notice there are words they can read automatically, while other words will need to be ‘sounded out’. When your child comes to a word they do not automatically know, you can help them by saying: ‘Say the sounds as you point to the letters. Now, blend the sounds and read the word.’ For example: for the word ‘hen’, point to the letters and provide the sounds, /h/ /e/ /n/, then blend the sounds to read ‘hen’.
- If your child still has difficulty reading the word, it’s okay to tell them what the word is. Remember, they are still learning about letters and sounds and may need more practise and support.
- When your child is learning new letter-sound correspondences, they may read slowly, and it may look laborious. This is typical of beginning readers and is no cause for concern.
- Remember, practise is key to becoming a skilled reader. Encourage your child to read their decodable texts often and to other family members.
Teri Robson
Head of Department/Curriculum
From the HOSES

This term your child will be participating in the NAPLAN assessments over a two-week period from Wednesday 12th March – Monday 24th March. While opportunity will be included for make-up tests when students are away, it is much preferred for all students to sit the tests with their peers at the allotted time. Please find attached the brochure for parents that explains everything you need to know about NAPLAN. Please note the Public Demonstration Site for parents to access and practice test questions is strongly encouraged and referenced in the brochure. If you are strongly opposed to your child sitting the tests, there are grounds to complete a formal withdrawal application. A formal exemption application is also available but only on the grounds of being in the country less than 12 months with English as a second language or for a student with a significant intellectual disability. Requests for applications to withdraw or exempt from NAPLAN need to be directed to the school office.

Carolyn Berck
Head of Special Education (HOSES)
Learning Support

Whitsunday Voices Writing Competition Now Open:
Fitzgerald students in Year 3-6 are invited to enter The Whitsunday Voices Writing Competition. Amazing cash prizes are up for grabs! It is a wonderful community competition that receives hundreds of entries from all over the region. Fitzgerald students have been very successful in the past, and we would love to have some more students try their luck and skill this year.
Competition details can be found at:

Mrs Ebert is available every Monday lunch from 1-1:30pm in Mod 3, if students would like to bring their story ideas for feedback or to use the space for a quiet place to write.
Entries are due to Mrs Ebert by Thursday April 24th.
Happy writing!
Helen Ebert
Learning Support Teacher
Guidance Officer

Parents, screen time and digital technology use: role-modelling for children
(sourced from
What is healthy screen time and digital technology use?
A healthy approach to screen time and digital technology use is balanced and positive.
It’s about what you use digital technology for, when you choose to use it, who you use it with, and how much time you spend using it. It’s also about getting a healthy mix of non-digital and digital activities into your life.
How your screen time and digital technology use influences children
Your choices about screen time and digital technology use can have a positive influence on the way your child uses screens. Children develop healthy screen time habits when they see you and other key role models using digital technology in healthy, balanced ways.
You can have this kind of influence simply by making regular, screen-free time for your own activities and family activities like walking, reading, eating and just talking. When you do this, it sends your child a couple of key messages:
- There are many ways to entertain yourself, relax and have fun – and not all of them involve digital technology.
- Family time is one of the most important ways to spend time.
And when you do use digital technology, it’s important for your child to see you using it in productive, creative and social ways. For example, you might use your device to listen to music, draw, exercise or meditate. Or you might have a regular video call with extended family or a regular online gaming session with friends.
When you use digital technology in this way, it sends the message that digital technology use and screen time can be positive.
To grow and thrive, children need warm, responsive interactions with parents. But digital technology can sometimes get in the way of these kinds of interactions – for example, if parents interrupt conversations with children to check text messages. So, when you’re talking or playing with your child, it’s great if you can put aside your devices and focus on what’s important to your child.
Role-modelling healthy screen time and digital technology use: tips
Here are ideas for using digital technology in healthy and positive ways. These ideas can help you set an example of balancing digital and non-digital activities for your child:
What you use digital technology for
- Use digital technology in creative and healthy ways – for example, for creative activities like drawing, wellbeing activities like meditation, or health activities like fitness tracking.
- Avoid always entertaining your child with screen time in situations like long car journeys or appointments. Try mixing it up with things like car karaoke, alphabet search, ‘I spy’, reading or drawing.
When you use digital technology
- If you get a text message or social media notification while you’re talking to someone, especially your child, wait until the conversation is finished before you check it.
- Try not to have your phone, tablet or laptop in your bedroom at night. Charge your devices overnight in a family area, and teach your child to do the same.
- Switch off the TV at family mealtimes or when it’s ‘on in the background’. You could try listening to music instead.
Who you use digital technology with
- Use digital technology for keeping in touch with friends or family who live far away – for example, with weekly video calls or online board games.
- Share screen time with your child. Playing a game, watching a show, making a playlist, or researching offline activities you could do together lets you turn screen time into family time. This is a good balance for solo screen use.
How much time you spend using digital technology
- Set aside some screen-free time each day, so you can be ‘in the moment’ with your child. This could be when your child gets home from school or you get home from work, during family mealtimes, when you’re watching your child play sport, when you’re at the park with your child and so on.
- Work together with your child to create a family media plan. You could include things like no mobiles phone at mealtimes. Then make sure you follow the guidelines in the plan too!
- Take breaks and move around regularly when you’re using digital technology. And use your device at eye level for good posture.
Role-modelling healthy social media use: tips
Healthy social media use can keep you connected with friends and interests, the latest news, your child’s school and sports activities, and so on. If you use and enjoy social media, there are plenty of ways you can be a role model for your child.
Safe and responsible social media use
- Regularly check the privacy settings on your social media accounts.
- Take care of your digital footprint by being careful about the photos and comments you post and the photos and comments you’re tagged in.
- Show your child any scam or phishing messages you receive and talk about how you can tell they’re fake.
Healthy social media use
Turn off notifications, and look at social media only when it suits you.
Respectful social media use
- Make sure you’re always respectful in your posts.
- Ask your child for permission before you post a photo of them or share information about them on social media.
Relationships and social media
- Talk about your social media use with your child. This will encourage your child to be open about their social media use too.
- Sharing content with each other can be a great way to talk about the things you both like and think are important.
- Talk with your child about following each other on social media. This can be a great way to share your child’s interests. Younger teenagers might be OK with this, but older teenagers might not want you to follow them.
If your screen time feels out of control, try to change the ways you use technology. If you’re finding it hard, look for support from friends, family or a professional. If your child sees you trying to manage your screen time, this sets a good example for them too.
There are other things we model for our children as well so we need to make sure we are being positive role models
(sourced from The Mom Brain Therapist)

Alexia Wotherspoon
Guidance Officer
Positive Behaviour for Learning

Katelyn Sartor - PBL Coach
Music & Instrumental

Junior and Senior Choir
Rehearsals have started and choir participation notes have been handed out. It’s not too late - new members are always welcome.
Rehearsals are Tuesdays (Junior Choir at 2nd lunch and Senior Choir at 1:30pm) and Thursdays (Senior Choir at 2nd lunch and Junior Choir at 1:30pm).
Our Junior and Senior Choirs are currently preparing for Creative Generation Choral Fanfare – heats will be held in Term 2 at Fitzgerald State School Hall.

Music News

Instrumental News

Sing Out

This event is for students in Years 4, 5 and 6 who participate in Junior or Senior Choir. (It is non-compulsory).
Dates: Wednesday 2nd – Friday 4th April
Cost: $75
Notes have been sent home with interested students. Please ensure notes are returned with payment by Friday 28th February.
Recorder Band

Recorder Band notes have been sent home with interested students after our first rehearsal this week. It’s not too late. Please see Mrs Miller for a note and music. There is no cost to participate in Recorder Ensemble. All students will need a black display folder for their music.
Linda Miller
Music Teacher/Instrumental Music Coordinator
From the Library
Brittany Kendall
Teacher Librarian
Religious Instruction

Upcoming Events
7th March | Crazy Hair & Silly Sock Day |
10th-14th March | School Library Week |
21st March | Cross Country (Grades 3-6 only) |
25th March | Beginner Instrumental Afternoon Tea - 3.15pm School Hall |
17th-28th March | Life Ed |
2nd-4th April | Sing Out |
From PCYC Fun Squad

"Exciting News: Welcome to PCYC Fun Squad!
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We are thrilled to announce that our PCYC OSHC program has a brand new name for the new year — PCYC Fun Squad!
This exciting change reflects our ongoing commitment to providing a fun, engaging, and dynamic environment for your children. Our dedicated team is ready to bring even more creativity, adventure, and learning to every day spent with us!
Looking back, our December and January Holiday Fun (formerly Vacation Care) was absolutely incredible! We had a blast with your children, diving into exciting activities, games, and outings. From arts and crafts to thrilling outdoor adventures, the holiday program was filled with laughter and new friendships. We couldn’t have asked for a better start to the year, and we’re so excited to keep the momentum going with even more fun ahead!
We can’t wait for your child to experience all the exciting activities, new programs, and the vibrant energy that will come with being part of the PCYC Fun Squad. From team-building games to artistic adventures, this year will be full of opportunities for growth and fun!
Thank you for your continued support. Here's to a fantastic year ahead with lots of laughter, learning, and, of course, fun!
Jordyn Hay
OSHC Service Manager
Job Vacancy